Greetings and welcome!
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michelle Golany.
My first two years of practice began in 2009 in High Prairie, AB. After that, I decided to come to Grande Prairie and have been here ever since, happily serving northern Alberta for a wonderful 10 years now.
After spending my 20s and into my 30s struggling with my own health issues and getting nowhere, my system began to crash very quickly. I desperately searched for help in both the medical and natural arenas and came up empty-handed. This led me to where I am today as I had come to the conclusion that I needed to figure this out for myself and the only way I could do that was to become a practitioner to, first, help myself and then to go on to help others who are also suffering, lost and confused. And, thankfully, that is exactly what has come to pass.
The basic college training was all wonderful and very useful. The best part came when I began training in 2007 with my mentor, one of the world’s leading naturopathic doctors, Dr. Robert Cass, ND, doctor to royals round the world.
Not only does this man have an amazing heart and soul, he is also an incredible mind and wealth of information that goes far beyond what is taught in the colleges, and he has been gracious enough to share that with me. And, of course, it is my honor and privilege to bring what I have learned, and have yet to learn, to the table to share with all of you to help facilitate you in the best way possible in achieving your goals here at Trinity Natural Health Clinic.
Your health and happiness are my joy! I look forward to serving you.
Thank you for coming.
Michelle Golany
Natural Medicine Practitioner
(Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners North America)
Practitioner of Humanitarian Service
(World Organization of Natural Medicine)
EAV Practitioner
(Academy of BioEnergetic Sciences)
Expert Myofascial Release Therapist
(John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Seminars)
Registered Massage Therapist
(Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association)